Information content: types, creation and promotion channels. What is information content 1 definition of static information content

ANNOTATION TO WORKING PROGRAM PM.01 PROCESSING INDUSTRY INFORMATION 1.1. Scope of the program The work program of the professional module “processing industry information” is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard on specialty SPO 02/09/05 Applied informatics (by industry) basic training in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity and related professional competencies (PC) : PC 1.1. Process static information content. PC 1.2. Process dynamic information content. PC 1.3. To prepare the equipment for work. PC 1.4. Set up and work with industry equipment for processing information content. PC 1.5. Monitor the operation of computer, peripheral devices and telecommunication systems, ensure their proper operation 1.2. The place of the professional module in the structure of the main professional educational program: discipline is included in the professional cycle of the compulsory part. 1.3. Goals and objectives of the professional module - requirements for the results of mastering the professional module In order to master the specified type of professional activity and relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module should: have practical experience: 1. processing static information content; 2. processing dynamic information content; 3. installation of dynamic information content; 4. work with industry equipment for processing information content; 5. monitoring the operation of computer, peripheral devices and telecommunication systems, ensuring their proper operation; 6. preparation of equipment for work; be able to: 1. carry out the process of prepress preparation of information content; 2. Install and work with specialized application software; 3. work in a graphical editor; 4. process raster and vector images; 5. work with application packages of typesetting texts; 6. to prepare original layouts; 7. work with application software packages for processing industry information; 8. work with presentation preparation programs; 9. install and work with application software for processing dynamic information content; 10. work with application software for processing economic information; 11. convert analog forms of dynamic information content to digital; 12. record dynamic information content in a given format; 13. Install and work with specialized application software for editing dynamic information content; 14. to choose the means of editing dynamic content; 15. to carry out event-oriented montage of dynamic content; 16. work with specialized equipment for processing static and dynamic information content; 17. choose equipment to solve the problem; 18. Install and configure application software; 19. diagnose equipment malfunctions using hardware and software; 20. monitor the operating parameters of the equipment; 21. eliminate minor malfunctions in the operation of the equipment; 22. carry out maintenance of equipment at the user level; 23. prepare a bug report; 24. Switch hardware complexes of an industry orientation; 25. carry out commissioning of industry-specific equipment; 26. to carry out testing of equipment of industry orientation; 27. establish security; and configure the system software to know: 1. the basics of information technology; 2. technologies for working with static information content; 3. standards of presentation formats for static information content; 4. standards for presentation formats of graphic data; 5. computer terminology; 6. standards for the preparation of technical documentation; 7. sequence and rules of prepress; 8. rules for the preparation and presentation of presentations; 9. software for processing information content; 10. basics of ergonomics; 11. mathematical methods of information processing; 12. information technology for working with dynamic content; 13. standards for formats for the presentation of dynamic data; 14. terminology in the field of dynamic information content; 15. software for processing information content; 16. principles of linear and non-linear editing of dynamic content; 17. rules for constructing dynamic information content; 18. rules for preparing dynamic information content for installation; 19. technical means of collecting, processing, storage and demonstration of static and dynamic content; 20. principles of operation of specialized equipment; 21. operating modes of computer and peripheral devices; 22. principles of construction of computer and peripheral equipment; 23. equipment maintenance rules; 24. regulations for the maintenance of equipment; 25. types and types of text checks; 26. ranges of permissible operational characteristics of the equipment; 27. principles of switching hardware complexes of an industry orientation; 28. operational characteristics of industry equipment; 29. principles of system software; 1.4. The recommended number of hours for mastering the program of the professional module: the maximum teaching load of the student is 745 hours, including:  the compulsory classroom teaching load of the student is 394 hours;  independent work 197 hours;  training practice 78;  field trip 76 hours. 1.5. Forms of intermediate certification: differentiated tests, exam, qualification exam. 1.6. The content of the professional module Section 1. Processing of static information content Topic 1.1. The basics of information technology Topic 1.2. Static information content Topic 1.3. Computer graphics content Topic 1.4. Computer graphics theory Topic 1.5. Photo processing Topic 1.6. Basic parameters of the vector outline Topic 1.7. Processing bitmap images Topic 1.8. Development of design and construction documentation Section 2. Processing of dynamic informational content Topic 2.1. Layout planning process and work with typography Topic 2.2. Basic techniques for creating original layouts of various print media, taking into account the features of modern printing facilities and paper type Topic 2.3. Technologies of the printing process Topic 2.4. The basics of typography Topic 2.5. Equipment for the designer's work Topic 2.6.Creation of ps-files and preparation of the original layout for transfer to the printing house for subsequent color separation on a phototyping apparatus Section 3. Preparation of equipment for work Topic 3.1. Presentation Preparation Standard Topic 3.2. Presentation Presentation Forms Topic 3.3. Effects of the presentation Topic 3.4 Preparation of presentations Section 4. Information technologies for working with economic information Topic 4.1. Mathcad General Information and Interface Topic 4.2. Precise Computing in Mathcad Topic 4.3. Numerical methods in Mathcad Section 5. Information technology for working with sound Topic 5.1 Forms for the presentation of audio information Topic 5.2 Program AdobeAudition Topic 5.3 Work in the rail mode (EditView). Work in multitrack mode Topic 5.4 Working with cyclic and wave files Topic 5.5 Using noise reduction filters Topic 5. 6 Voice editing Topic 5.7 Using the channel mixer and real-time effects of Audition. Topic 5.8 Batch processing and scripting Topic 5.9 Optimizing audio files for the Internet Topic 5.10 Importing audio data from a CD and creating a new CD Section 6. Video Processing Topic 6.1 Ways to create digital video. Types of digital video Topic 6.2 Basic concepts AdobePremiere. Program interface. Windows Project, Source, Program Topic 6.3 Import and export of files Section 7 Creating a simple animation Topic 7.1 Ways to create animations. Types of animation. The simplest GIF animation. FLASH animation Theme 7.2 Program AdobeFlash. Features of the program interface Theme 7.3 Tools of the program AdobeFlash Theme 7.4 Fill. Merge paths. Lasso tool. Work with text. Section 8. Installation of dynamic informational content Topic 8.1 Concept of editing Topic 8.2 Basic rules for shooting video materials Topic 8.3 Video editing. Film editing Topic 8.4 Video editing. The basics of working in the application AdobePremierePro and its installation Topic 8.5 Video editing. The main editing tools in the "Program", "Source" and "Timeline" windows. Theme 8.6 Video editing. Video and audio transitions Topic 8.7 Video editing. Transparency of video clips. Movement and scaling of clips Topic 8.8 Video editing. Video effects Topic 8.9 Video editing. Sound in the film Topic 8.10 Computer animation: Technology for creating an animated film Topic 8.11 Computer animation: Working with color. Types of fills and their application Topic 8.12 Computer animation: Animation of a form. Tracing bitmaps Topic 8.13 Computer animation: motion animation Topic 8.14 Computer animation: Symbols. Complex animation Theme 8.15 Computer animation: Library samples and their instances Theme 8.16 Computer animation: Animation of a nested instance Theme 8.17 Computer animation: Layer mask. Masking layers Topic 8.18 Computer animation: Sound. Saving, exporting, publishing Section 9. Technical means for collecting, storing and demonstrating static content Topic 9.1 Camera and its equipment Topic 9.2 Graphic tablet Topic 9.3 Scanners Topic 9.4 Printers Topic 9.5 Plotters Topic 9.6 Risograph Topic 9.7 Cutter and laminator Topic 9.8 Stapler and booklet Section 10. Technical means of collecting, processing, storage and demonstration of dynamic content Topic 10.1 Video camera and its equipment Topic 10. 2 Equipment for recording sound Section 11. Technical means of processing and storing content Topic 11.1 Processor Topic 11.2 Motherboard Topic 11.3 Video card Topic 11.4 Sound card Topic 11.5 Video capture card Topic 11.6 Information storage equipment

Information content - information in any form that provides an exhaustive answer to a user's question or talks about something. Information content includes:

  • descriptions of goods in the cards of online stores;
  • articles "How to reinstall Windows", "How to fill a concrete floor", "Why do I need to polish a log house";
  • cases of marketing agencies;
  • blog articles with personal thoughts;
  • news content;
  • and many other types of content.

Information content helps drive traffic to the site or another site, indirectly boosts sales and helps increase expertise in the eyes of customers if publish cases and detailed answers to the most common questions. The information will benefit you if you publish really useful, relevant, understandable materials.

Types of Information Content

Conventionally, all information content can be divided into two large groups:

Dynamic. It changes depending on innovations, user questions, recent events in the world. For example, an article on the Federal Law “On OSAGO” will be dynamic if notes on new changes in the law and their correct interpretation are constantly added to it.

Static. Such content is published once and does not change depending on external factors. Static content is usually the one that answers common questions - for example, how to choose a foundation, build a house from SIP panels, adjust the headlights on a VAZ 2114 car. Regardless of external factors, the information will remain the same.

Also, information content is divided into:

  • Text - any articles, case studies, short notes on social networks, publications on a personal blog and other text materials
  • Video - the video format is more flexible: there are informational videos from 10 seconds to several hours long
  • Images - most often this is an infographic about statistics or some useful fact, designed as a picture

Content Distribution Channels

Site. Most often, informational materials are uploaded to a personal or corporate website; there is also a whole area of \u200b\u200b“informational sites” or “informational sites”. In the vast majority of cases - on a blog, in the form of useful articles on self-promotion on Instagram, choosing a site for selling goods, customer interaction and many other topics. Also, information content on websites exists in the form of FAQs, product descriptions, reviews, podcasts, cases. Advances through proper SEO optimization , contextual or targeted advertising.

Social networks (SMM). A user on social networks concentrates on one object for an average of 8 seconds, so a short format prevails here. Information materials are presented in the form of small posts with interesting facts, separate pages with large articles or manuals, infographics or videos. Now the new vK editor.

Other sites. You can post informational content in the media, in visited blogs, news sites and other platforms. Such guest posts will lead visitors to your site, increase brand awareness, help make yourself known and expand your reach.

The role of content in promotion

Information content helps to promote not only the site, but the business as a whole. Using it you can:

  • bring the portal to the TOP of search engine results for high-frequency, mid-frequency or low frequency queries By publishing keyword-optimized materials
  • increase brand awareness through frequent sharing of useful materials, viral publications, the growth of natural traffic from search engines;
  • increase the level of expertise in the eyes of readers by publishing their studies, cases, real-life case studies, checklists, and answers to complex questions.
  • tell more about the product, service and their benefits, give examples of the use of the product or service to increase the reader’s interest in your proposal.

In complex content marketingnamely, informational content - increases the number of sales. If you constantly publish useful materials, the traffic to the site, profile or group will increase. New customers, customers or readers will appear.

Vivid examples of the effectiveness of information content:

  • tilda site builder's blog with useful articles, guides, instructions on the topic of Internet marketing;
  • Elena Torshina with publications of original materials on her Torshin website;
  • site of the Chistaya Liniya trademark with life hacks, makeup secrets and other useful materials.

Content Creation

To create truly useful and high-quality information content, you need:

  1. Identify CA and find out what they’ll be interested in reading about. To do this, you can use the survey forms of company customers, query statistics in Yandex.Wordstat, discussions in social networks or the latest trends in the field.
  2. Collect material. Depending on the format, collect facts, links to research, test the product or prepare a detailed description of your opinion.
  3. Create text, image or video. Write concisely, in the case, without being distracted by minor deviations from the topic. This will make the materials saturated, short, interesting.

Other companies or authors can be involved in creating information content so that they write guest articles or publish on your site under their own name. You can also write your guest posts on popular venues.

Information Content Examples

And now we give examples of information content on a site that diverges like hotcakes.

How do you use information content? Do you think it is effective? Share your opinion in the comments.

1. Prepare a video report on the organization (the report should include video materials, audio materials, have a logical structure and plot, captions). The report reflects general information about the organization, interviews with employees, the specifics of the activities of individual specialists, the duration of the material is no more than 10 minutes.

2. Development stages:

Plot creation;

Storyboard (optional);

Video recording;

Recording audio material (interviews with employees);

Processing and installation;

Adding captions and footages.


All types of materials are collected only with the permission of the organization’s management and should not contain confidential information, as well as violate the laws of the Russian Federation by any means.

Task 3. Perform the work and describe the procedure for its implementation (based on the profile of the organization):

Install and work with specialized application software;

Install and work with application software;

Diagnose equipment malfunctions using hardware and software;

Monitor equipment operating parameters;

Eliminate minor malfunctions in the operation of the equipment;

Carry out maintenance of equipment at the user level;

To prepare a bug report;

Carry out commissioning of industrial equipment;

Test industry equipment;

Install and configure system software.

Task 4. Create a standard form and payroll employee in the enterprise (where the practice takes place). For an example, take any job position.

1. Development should be an external program containing tabular data, graphic data, control elements. The program should generate one type of report - "employee salary for six months."

Task 5. Provide information on these issues based on the industry focus of the enterprise:

1. The principles of operation of specialized equipment;

2. Operating modes of computer and peripheral devices;

3. The principles of construction of computer and peripheral equipment;

4. Rules for equipment maintenance;

5. Regulations for equipment maintenance;

6. Types and types of test checks;

7. Ranges of admissible operational characteristics of the equipment;

8. Operational characteristics of industry-specific equipment;

9. The principles of switching hardware systems industry-specific;

10. The principles of the system software.

Task 6. Creating a presentation using MS PowerPoint (or any other presentation resource) in which to present information on the following topics:

Theme 1. Static information content

Technologies for working with static information content;

Standards for presentation of graphic data;

Standards for the presentation of static information content;

Rules for building static information content;

Technical means of collecting, processing, storage and demonstration of static content.

Theme 2. Dynamic information content

Technologies for working with dynamic information content;

Standards for the presentation of dynamic data;

Standards for presentation formats of dynamic information content;

Information content processing software;

Rules for constructing dynamic information content;

Principles of linear and non-linear editing of dynamic content;

Rules for preparing dynamic information content for installation;

Technical means of collecting, processing, storing and demonstrating dynamic content.


Graduation work is in the form of thesis

alina Igorevna Tatarintseva, a student of the 43rd group

The main professional educational program in the specialty

02/09/05 Applied Informatics (by industry)

Full-time form of education

Leader: teacher I.V. Krapivina


Work is protected


with a rating of _______

Chairman of the Commission


Valuyki 2017


1.1. Video editing basics .................................... 7

1.2. Video processing methods ....................... 10

1.3. Programs for editing and processing video information ... 21

Chapter 2

2.1. Terms of Reference .............................................. ................. 28

2.2. Practical development of a video using the PinnacleStudio software





On the modern Internet, video clips make up the majority of all content. Popular video services such as Youtube, Rutube, as well as many others, popularized the creation of video clips.

Creating a commercial using modern technologies is a fascinating and fairly simple process. With the help of specialized programs, you can create absolutely everything - starting with a five-minute video that tells about a new product released on the market, and ending with a real full-length movie presentation of the car.
To produce high-quality advertising video, you need to understand how digital video is shot and the process as a whole is carried out.
Advanced software has become another driver of progress in this area. Every year more and more advanced programs for creating video clips appear. Most of them are quite complex and cumbersome programs. But, there are simpler programs that can be easily dealt with.

One of the professional programs for creating serious commercials and even entire films. PinnacleStudio is a professional video editing program that has all the modern capabilities and tools for non-linear video editing. Convenient customizable interface, functional tools for editing audio and video tracks, the ability to apply a variety of effects and filters, technology to increase video processing speed and many other functions. PinnacleStudio is the undisputed leader among video editing programs.
Currently, multimedia technologies are widely used in education, in particular for advertising and popularizing educational services provided by educational institutions. Lately, promotional videos have become popular.

Today, with such rapidly growing computer performance and increasing Internet access speed, you can watch and create video on almost any computer with a sufficient amount of hard drive. And on a less modern computer with the appropriate hardware, you can build a home video studio with which you can record video from TV programs, camcorders, VCRs, process and publish to the Internet. In this regard, in the software market there are many programs for working with video, allowing you to create full-fledged video clips.

Relevance final qualification work due to insufficient knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the production of commercials using professional video editing programs.

Research Problem: lack of career guidance video in the specialty: "Teaching in primary school."

Purpose of the study: creating and editing videos using the PinnacleStudio non-linear video editing software.

Subject of study: a set of theoretical and practical aspects of creating a career-oriented video clip using a computer.
Object of study: PinnacleStudio professional video editing software.

Research hypothesis: a video on the specialty “Teaching in primary school” will be informative and informative if:

- existing information resources for creating videos will be researched and systematized;

- compiled requirements for the video;

- developed the structure of the video;

- The video will be created on the basis of modern software.

To achieve the goal, taking into account the identified problem and the generated hypothesis, the following research tasks were identified:

- explore and systematize the available information resources for creating videos;

- make requirements for a video about the specialty "teaching in primary school"

- develop the structure of a video about an educational institution;

- create a video about the specialty “Teaching in primary school” in an educational institution based on modern software.

Research Methods:

Theoretical analysis;

Empirical method;

Analytical method;

Design method.

The theoretical significance of the study: consists in the analysis and synthesis of modern technologies for creating videos.

The practical significance of the study: consists in developing and creating a video about the specialty “Teaching in primary school”, which would help to popularize the specialty in educational institutions.

The work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of references.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of working with dynamic information content

Video editing basics

Video (from Latin video - I watch, I see) - a variety of technologies for recording, processing, transmission, storage and playback of visual or audiovisual material, as well as a common name for your own video material, television signal or movie, including recorded on a physical medium (video tape, video disc, etc.).

Video information, directly, is an image recorded on magnetic tape, film, a photograph or on an optical disc from which it can be played.

The main parameters of the video signal:

The number (frequency) of frames per second (the number of still images replacing each other when showing 1 second of video material and creating the effect of moving objects on the screen);



Aspect ratio of the screen;

Number of colors and color resolution;

Bitrate or video stream width (for digital video).

Now, when the scope of personal computers is expanding, the idea arises of creating a computer-based home video studio. However, when working with a digital video signal, it becomes necessary to process and store very large amounts of information, for example, one minute of a digital video signal with SIF resolution (comparable to VHS) and truecolor color rendering (millions of colors) will take:

(288 x 358) pixels x 24 bits x 25 frames / s x 60 c \u003d 442 MB,

that is, on the media used in modern PCs, such as a compact disk (CD-ROM, about 650 MB) or a hard disk (several gigabytes), it will not be possible to save a full-time video recorded in this format. Using MPEG compression, the amount of video information can be noticeably without noticeable image degradation.

MPEG stands for Moving Picture Experts Group. This expert group is jointly led by two organizations - ISO (Organization for International Standards) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). The official name of the group is ISO / IEC JTC1 SC29 WG11. Its task is to develop uniform coding standards for audio and video signals. MPEG standards are used in CD-i and CD-Video technologies, are part of the DVD standard, are actively used in digital broadcasting, in cable and satellite TV, Internet radio, multimedia computer products, in communications via ISDN channels and many other electronic information systems. Often, the abbreviation MPEG is used to refer to the standards developed by this group. To date, the following are known:

MPEG-1 is designed to record synchronized video (usually in SIF format, 288 x 358) and audio on a CD-ROM with a maximum read speed of about 1.5 Mbps.

The qualitative parameters of the video data processed by MPEG-1 are in many respects similar to the usual VHS video, therefore this format is used primarily where it is inconvenient or impractical to use standard analog video media.

MPEG-2 is designed to process video of comparable quality to television with a data transfer system bandwidth ranging from 3 to 15 Mbit / s, professionals also use large streams up to 50 Mbit / s. Many television channels are switching over to technologies based on MPEG-2, the signal compressed in accordance with this standard is transmitted through television satellites, and is used for archiving large volumes of video material.

MPEG-3 - was intended for use in high-defenition television (HDTV) systems with a data flow rate of 20-40 Mbit / s, but later became part of the MPEG-2 standard and is no longer separately mentioned. By the way, the MP3 format, which is sometimes confused with MPEG-3, is intended only for compressing audio information and the full name MP3 sounds like MPEG AudioLayer III

MPEG-4 - sets the principles for working with the digital representation of media data for three areas: interactive multimedia (including products distributed on optical discs and over the Web), graphic applications (synthetic content) and digital television.

Video Editing History

The history of digital non-linear video editing reads over 20 years. The very first systems could process video files with a resolution of 160x200 and compression of 150: 1 and could only support one 22 kHz audio channel. The disk capacity made it possible to assemble in draft form on video editing and only on direct gluing a short roller.

The year 1989 was marked by the release of the first version of AvidMediaComposer, and non-linear video editing systems acquired a modern look with a look similar to today's interface: a time line, two monitors, a basket with source codes.

Video editing systems were very expensive and inaccessible to many users. The situation changed in 1996 thanks to a German company that introduced the new Fast 601 system (AvidLiquid). It turned out to be not so expensive and worked according to the new video editing rules. It became possible to work with different formats, they used MPEG-2 compression, and most importantly, for the first time during the video editing process, the “masters” of the project were implemented in various formats: analog, digital, DVD. Since that time, a modern video editing system must necessarily have the ability to import, export, transcode video and sound in formats that are used on the Internet and home video. Video editing has become available to everyone.

In 2008, editing systems for stereo films appeared. The stereo movie begins to capture and captivate the viewer and becomes an integral part of the film industry. And video monitors are learning how to show the transfer of space on the screen.

Processing of video information includes a number of stages: digitization, creation of videos or video clips, and their subsequent playback.

Digitization of a video, unlike its playback, is not done in real time, but, nevertheless, much depends on the technologies used and the software supporting them.

In the simplest case of implementing the procedure for digitizing video information, a video camera connected to a computer is used. The camcorder enters playback mode. For digitization, one of the programs for digitizing video data, for example, Pro Multimedia, is used. With its help, an AVI file is created on the hard disk. Under this file, the corresponding name and estimated file size are set. Having launched the program at the same time as starting the playback of video images in the camcorder, the process of digitizing video data begins. To reduce the volume of a video file with the same program, it can be converted to MPEG format, which reduces its volume (for example, from 4GB to 300MB). Subsequent playback of the video can be done using the standard Windows application: Media Player.

In more complex cases, the video clip is edited in accordance with the developed scenario. It provides for working with individual frames or their sequences. Today, linear and non-linear editing can be used.

With linear editing of video information, the source material is on a video cassette. In order to gain access to a specific place in the tape, you must rewind the film all the time in search of the desired frame. For these purposes, special “mounting” equipment is used.

Currently, when creating electronic publications, video editing and editing of digitized video material inside a computer are widely used. This technology was called non-linear editing, as it provided operators with direct access to the necessary frames or parts of a video recorded on the computer’s hard drive. This made it possible to avoid the tedious process of constantly (linear) rewinding the video tape back and forth while viewing and searching for these fragments.

In the case of non-linear editing, all material is pre-digitized and located on disk memory (hard drive), as a result of which arbitrary instant access to the required frame is provided.

The standard digital system, similar to the analog editing complex, is built on a single-stream architecture. This means that the calculations use only one copy of the original video (AVI file).

In the case of more complex procedures for working with video material, there is a need to form and use a second copy of digital video (or part thereof). Thus, to create any mixing transition or effect between two clips in the computer’s RAM, it is necessary to simultaneously contain frames of both the ending video clip and the beginning clip, sequentially loading them from the hard disk, decoding (decompressing) and calculating new frames of the resulting clip. Then the data is compressed (compressed) and written to disk. This process is called rendering.

Real-time nonlinear editing systems use a two-stream video decompression compression card and an additional card for digital effects proper. The chipset for real-time performance of the specified mixing effects can be installed directly on the compression board (for example, in Pinnacle Systems ReelTime - more than 130 two-dimensional effects are performed in real time). However, at the same time, an additional board can be used that expands the set of hardware-performed effects (for example, Pinnacle Systems ReelTime NITRO - ReelTime + Genie).

When operating with two streams, such digital systems can also perform other necessary functions inherent in classical editing and mixing analog complexes, for example, titling or various types of PP projections (keying, keying, projections using transparency effects, etc.). )

Processing of video information requires high-speed computing structures used. In practice, such calculations require billions of specialized operations on image pixels. Obviously, the speed of their execution significantly depends on the speed of the processor.

Standard PCs are universal machines, i.e. turn out to be relatively slow in terms of solving this problem. For example, the Pentium 150Mhz can perform only about 50 million operations per second, distributing them between different tasks. As a result, when calculating even relatively simple effects and transitions, it takes tens and hundreds of times more time than their own playing time. Therefore, various hardware and software are used to accelerate the processing of video images. For example, modern non-linear editing boards (miroVideo DC30plus for PC or VlabMotion for Amiga) are introduced for video compression and decompression operations. These chips accelerate rendering, but do not lead to its execution in real time.

The digitized video fragments are compressed before being written to a disc and presented in MPEG format. Information can be stored with loss of information.

If, after the installation is completed, it is necessary to record a finished video fragment on a video tape, then the abovementioned video input / output card is required. Today there is a wide variety of such cards.

Devices for working with video signals on IBM PC computers include: devices for input and capture of video sequences (capture - play), frame grabbers, TV tuners, VGA-TV signal converters and MPEG players. It should be noted that their functionality goes far beyond the scope of electronic publications.

Video information can be played by programs such as Media Player simultaneously with sound. In this case, for editing, as a rule, programs are used that provide integrated processing of information: video and audio data. These tools include Adobe Premiere, Ulead Media Studio Pro and others.

Probably, you have already met on the Internet more than once that in order to successfully promote a web resource, you need to use high-quality content to fill its pages. And it has long been clear that uniqueness, usefulness, expertise, etc. are important in this.

But what exactly is it about? What types of content are online resources?

Site content. Views

In terms of search engines the best option for filling the site is to use all possible types of Internet content  at the appropriate level to maximize the question entered by the user in the search line.

Types of content are formed by the method of information submission:

  1. Text- The most widespread way to display data (in the form of text). Indexing is much easier and hassle-free than other types of Internet content. It has the greatest influence on the ranking of search results.
  2. Multimedia- information content of web resources, which most often complements the main types of text content and is perceived by the user visually and / or by ear. It has a much less direct impact on the ranking of the site from the point of view of search engines, but it can significantly affect behavioral factors and conversion.

Types of Text Content

It is divided into dynamic and static content.

Text Static Content- all text information posted by the site owner (administrator, copywriter, etc.) on the pages of the web resource for an indefinite period of time.

This is the content of the site, the types of which are widely used to fill pages and play a crucial role in terms of their relevance to key queries,   which visitors come from search engines.

This includes content types such as:

  • articles;
  • news;
  • descriptions of sections, categories, goods, services, promotions.

These types of text content (subject to optimization) are the main tool for attracting visitors from search engines to absolutely any site.

Text dynamic content- content of the site that appears with the submission of users and visitors.
  For dynamic content, you can define such types of content as:

  • feedback
  • comments
  • discussions.

These types of content on Internet resources can successfully complement the core material,  placed on the pages, enhancing their relevance, uniqueness, usefulness and value. Their presence is desirable on the pages of almost any web resources (from blogs to online stores).

Types of multimedia content

Combining all of the above types of multimedia content (subject to the appropriateness of their use), can significantly affect the behavior of site visitors: reduce their number, deterring inept use (oversaturation of the site with pictures and automatically starting videos) or, conversely, increase traffic growth, the frequency of the visitor turning into a buyer, etc.


You can use enough to fill the site various types of contenteach of which has its own benefits in terms of impact on promotion.

And what types of content do you use on the pages of your site? Tell us about it in the comments!

  • Sergey Savenkov

    some kind of "scanty" review ... as if in a hurry somewhere